Rest up, get better: 5 top tips for flu recovery

Anyone who has had COVID-like symptoms in the past two years only to return a negative test result will tell you: the flu still exists! Whilst the world has been rightfully hung up on the fear and intensity that has come with the pandemic, the flu has continued to be a thorn in our sides, and you can still very easily catch it!
But not to worry, as we know that, in most cases, the flu isn’t too harmful. However, it is still important to take care of yourself and receive the Afluria Quad flu vaccine if possible.
But if you do happen to catch the flu be sure to follow these simple tips for ensuring you get back on your feet as fast as possible.
Rest & rest some more
Look, no one is going to thank you for going to work, sitting at a cafe or standing on a crowded train when it seems like you might have COVID. So, what does this give you the best excuse to do: rest!
It used to be that we would force ourselves into the office, sweaty and ill, only to potentially start a domino effect that leads to half the team out for a week or more. Nowadays, people will certainly prefer it if you stay home, rest up and don’t head out looking like you’re quite unwell with you-know-what.
Put your feet up, get cosy on the couch and watch your favourite series - you really shouldn’t be looked upon poorly for taking some off work when you’re unwell.
Get hydrated
Whilst spending some much-needed time lying in bed or on the couch, remember to keep a big bottle of water next to you. Why? Because you become dehydrated when you have the flu, and proper hydration can help your body flush out the viral particles that prolong your illness.
So be sure to drink plenty of water, much more than you usually would, to ensure that your body can quickly pass those unwanted particles out of your body when you sneeze, cough etc.
Eat well (if at all)
The flu can be the ultimate hunger killer, but if you feel you can have some food ensure that is something very healthy. This should be the case for everyday life, but especially so when you’re sick. Fatty, greasy foods will only serve to make you feel much worse, where bland-yet-healthy foods will not aggravate your illness and make you feel much better in the long run.
Blow your nose regularly
This is so important as you don’t want to keep snorting that viral mucus back up into your system. So, whenever you find yourself a little stuffy - even if it is just a little - be sure to blow your nose and do it the right way.
This means not blowing too hard through both nostrils, as the pressure can cause head or ear aches. Instead, cover one nostril before blowing slightly through the other and then repeating on the other side. Always wash your hands after blowing your nose as you don’t want to spread the viral particles to family or housemates.
Take lozenges for your throat
Look for lozenges that contain vitamin C, zinc or elderberry extract as these can help ease your sore throat. You may also want to enjoy a tea with honey to help soothe that raspy throat.