What is an energy rating label and what does it mean?

An energy rating label is a useful tool to help inform consumers of the energy efficiency of products and appliances. It is found on a wide range of items, such as washing machines, dishwashers, and air conditioners. By simply reviewing the energy label, buyers can make an informed decision when it comes to selecting the most economical appliance for their needs.
Understanding what information is displayed on the energy label can provide you with the knowledge to save money while at the same time being eco-friendly and reducing your electricity bills. Here, we will explain what energy rating labels are, how they work, and how they can be used as part of your savings plan.
And remember, if you’re not sure on how it all works, you can ask a professional to help you with energy efficient appliances too. Let’s take a look.
Why is Energy Efficiency So Important?
Energy efficiency is critical to our future. From reducing electricity consumption to cutting back on fossil fuels, energy efficiency is a keystone of sustainable development and environmental protection. It's also a huge cost-saver; trimming down energy consumption and taking advantage of renewable sources can lead to tremendous savings for families and businesses alike.
With reduced emissions, decreased need for resource extraction, and better health outcomes, energy efficiency offers something for everyone. Simply put, it presents an opportunity that is too good to ignore – transforming our society while also saving us money and resources. Next, let’s see how you can make a difference with the appliances you choose.
How to Read an Energy Rating Label
Understanding how to interpret an energy rating label can be hugely beneficial when it comes to consuming electricity efficiently. These labels, typically found on electronics and appliances like refrigerators or TVs, provide useful information about the item’s estimated energy consumption. This can range from 1 star - indicating a higher usage level - to 6 stars - potentially saving you considerable money in the long run. It is important to use the information to make informed decisions when purchasing items in order to reduce your energy costs and save more over time.
Using the Energy Rating Label to Calculate Running Costs
Understanding the energy rating label is a great way to estimate your running costs and save money on electricity bills. Specifically, look for information such as AJ/kWh rating, which can be used to calculate the estimated annual energy cost to run appliances.
For example, if a dishwasher has an energy efficiency rating of 4 star and has an energy consumption of 413kWh per year, you can simply multiply 413 x the energy rate (cents per kWh) that you pay your supplier and arrive at an approximate amount that will be needed to run the appliance each year.
Taking this action will go a long way in understanding how appliances use electricity and can help reduce monthly bills. If you’re still now sure, make sure to ask a professional to help you with energy efficient appliances!